Memory Palace, 2021,installation view at Central Gallery. Photo: Sam Robert

Cabbageee Land, 5.35 minutes, 2021, single channel video with sound, excerpt. Videographer Ying He

Memory Palace

Installation including sculpture, painting and single channel performance video,
2021 Central Gallery, Adelaide Central School of Art


One mouthful of sauerkraut heals my homesickness.

My work deals with time and cultural identity by materially engaging with my childhood memories. I have utilised an autoethnographic approach, using the preparation of preserved cabbage as a way of bringing to life vivid recollections of home and family.

The taste of 酸菜 Suan Cai/Sauer kraut is the taste of home and the warmth of my mother. The smell of dried cabbage leaves awakens my memory of being a child, wandering in the remote nature of inner Mongolia. It is a reminder of my first home.’

- Artist Statement for Graduation Catalogue